First, a quick story. Three years ago I accepted an invitation to participate in a Blockchain chain event as a sponsor.
Knowing very little about the technology but curious to learn, I agreed.
Bitcoin was trading at roughly $7,000 and every person in the event insisted they were holding, not selling. Their passion and knowledge was overwhelming. And the proof that they were right, is that its value has soared to 8X and even when leveling off, it's at 5X where it was in 2018.
So why have we decided to accept Cryptocurrency?
1. I believe in Blockchain technology and in the coming years, cryptocurrency will further its penetration into the mainstream;
2. Accessibility through services such as Crypto.com, whom we're using to process transactions, has also made it super simple; and
3. I believe our clients want this option and we're willing to give it to them.
I also read the current business trends. In the first quarter of 2021 alone, blockchain startup companies around the world amassed 2.6 billion U.S. dollars in venture-capital funding, more than the whole year of 2020.
More importantly, with each venture-funded startup comes more smart people with options of whom to work for, choosing Blockchain.
Ink'd chooses Blockchain, too.
Want to pay with crypto on your next order? Let us know in your order request form here.